Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Smile 4 Style: Color Blocked, Waist Cropped, and Style-game Locked!

Seamlessly mixing her knowledge of "color-block-matching" and "cropped-hip-maxing", our very own Fashion Director Tamira Wells pummeled her highest peep toe shoes and sultry East coast style abroad this months LA Fashion Week festivities.

Fashion spectators and exaggerators by way of their mindless, over-worked, flamboyancy didn't exactly align with Fashion Week LA attendees earlier this month. Noticeably less chaotic, warmer, and less stylized- yet still contrarily "cool" and "Hollywood Hip", Fashion Week LA provided just as much of a chic effervescent fashion week experience as the accredited ones across the globe. Minus the crazy characters, excessive after-party's and endless open bars of course.

After inquiring about Tamira's pumps, color blocks, and finger knots she replied by a vivacious laughter!

 "Lol" she said. "It's all so cheap." Tamira laughed.

Hip, happy, and high-class- the LA based Wardrobe Stylist looked far from cheap in my eyes.

Wouldn't you agree?

More of Tamira's threads below:

Stay tuned,

Tony Triumph

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Motion Screen Madness: The Avengers Trailer sets 13.7 Million view record!

Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and Thor, plus a few more-- jam packed into one flick + Samuel Jackson in his typical calm but cynical 'I'm a cool bad-ass' save the world self. Count me in!

As we all know, political tomfoolery effects movie castings in Hollywood just as much as they could offset an electoral candidates chances up for a government seat. With that being said, I'd like to congratulate Hollywood for securing the exact same actors for The Avengers as they did in their original remakes- thus significantly enhancing the films believability and credits. Yet when I think about it, I couldn't really see any of the actors turning down a movie role with such a high budget and buzz anyway.

The Avengers reportedly had a $220 Million Dollar budget, but with income streaming from theater's, merchandise and DVD sales profits could easily reach 10 times that amount!

The Avengers Movie hits Theatres May 4, 2012. 

Stay posted here: www.marvel.com/avengers_movie

The Scoop,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Black History + Mosaic Inception: #7. Bethann Hardison, Essence Mag Oct 1974.

* Relax your mind, let you conscious be free. No influence, no words. Just us sharing our love for covert art, one post at a time.*

Essence Magazine, October 1974(Cover)
 Bethann Hardison(Model)
Essence Magazine, http://photos.essence.com/

*Mosaic- Decoration in composition, especially in being made up of diverse elements.
*Inception- Rise, Source, Root.


The Scoop

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mosaic Inception #7: Tony T. hits up F.I.T.

* Relax your mind, let you conscious be free. No influence, no words. Just us sharing our love for covert art, one post at a time.*

"Tony T., F.I.T. Senior Class Collabo"
Alicia King, FIT Student(Photographer), Tony Triumph(Model), Natasha Zoe, FIT Student(Stylist), Sandro Romans, FIT Student(Designer).
Use Facebook. ;-D

*Mosaic- Decoration in composition, especially in being made up of diverse elements.
*Inception- Rise, Source, Root.


The Scoop

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Throwback + a Reality Check: Everything is Everything, Lauryn Hill.

Of course you remember it, that 1999 music video astonishment that insisted of our very own, first handed view of New York City being morphed into a spinning record. Harmonized and brought to life by an eclectically prophetic Lauryn Hill, we watched, looked and listened as she annotated the struggles of injustice and misinterpretation that we faced in the black/urban community. Her ducking and dodging of that turn table needle as it scratched back in forth clearly represented the day to day perplexity's that most of us New Yorker's have honestly grown quite used to.

For Lauryn Hill's, Everything is Everything: Freedom, Revelation, and hopes for Restoration ride the coat tails to the true meaning behind this timeless creation of a video.

The gift of prophecy is one of the most privileged to own in life. Quite frankly, I'm astonished at how the makings of our past sometimes make more sense to our present. Know your gift and use it.

"I wrote these words for everyone, Who struggles with their youth. Who won't accept deception, Instead of what is truth."

All the Best,


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mosaic Inception: #6

* Relax your mind, let you conscious be free. No influence, no words. Just us sharing our love for covert art, one post at a time.*

Vogue Japan(Cover)
Giampaolo Sgura(Photographer), Maryna Linchuk(Model).
Vogue Japan, www.vogue.co.jp/

*Mosaic- Decoration in composition, especially in being made up of diverse elements.
*Inception- Rise, Source, Root.


The Scoop

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Photo can Speak a Bajillion Words #20.

"The only cure for vanity is laughter, and the only fault that is laughable is vanity."
-Henri Bergson

Love. Sex. Insanity.
Vanity. Stir. Calamity.
Reach. Higher.
Ill senses for fame, rob us as kings and human beings. Burning the world down to grain lames of undeserving shame. Shitting, spitting, limping, tightly gripping.
This here quest for perfection has some of us looking inflicted, unrealistic, and honestly- quite cryptic.



*CREDIT: Second photo by Sade at: www.folagraphy.com.
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